Dry Creek Farm
This grower has a photo album.
We are Eileen and Meindert Dijkhuis, and we have been farming since 2007 in Sylvania, AL.
We like to grow the more unusual and/or heirloom vegetables. In addition we have blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries.
We also planted apple trees, and hazelnuts.
This year we added a hoop-house as well. This should allow us to extend the growing season this year.
Our free range chickens will supply you with the freshest eggs.
We are adding a line of broiler chickens this year. We have experimented a little in 2010, but this year we’re going to provide you with free range grass fed chickens utilizing the Joel Salatin mobile tractor method for the Cornish Crosses, and a managed free-range method for the Freedom Rangers (the French Belle Rouge type)
If you are interested, please email us at drycreekfarm@farmerstel.com to reserve your bird(s)
We’re not planning on big numbers initially, just so we can test the process, but we hope to expand in the future.
We also visit the Mentone, AL year-round Farmer’s market on Wednesdays and Saturdays. To find out more please visit www.mountainmarket.org
If you like to come to the farm, please let us know in advance; we’re glad to have you visit.
We hope to have a great growing season, and we hope you will try our ware!