The Weblog


This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers. We are selling pasture raised beef,chickens,lamb,pork eggs and vegetables.

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Winding up

This post expired on December 01, 2014.

Hello; Everyone, no I didn’t fall off the face of the earth, but I did need a break and give Angela time to research what she wanted to do. Russell is working off farm and I had to wrap my head around where the farm is and have a battle plan. It felt good to be on farm building things by myself and getting things lined up for next year.

We are winding down CFN business selling our assets and paying bills. We just couldn’t get the volume to make it profitable.
For those who have a negative balance please pay us, preferably by the end of the year.
For those with a postive balance we will send you a check as soon as we can. Please make sure your contact info in your account information is correct, because we will be using that mailing address to send your check to you. If it isn’t correct please up date it or e-mail us at cleanfoodnetwork@gmail.
I just want to say to our customers that some of you are like family and have stood with us thru thick and thin. This we are very gratful for. As you know getting food into the city and working with multiple farms is indeed an endevor not for the faint of heart. Many moving pieces and like farming there are so many variables that aren’t under your control. We thank you for your support I believe it has helped the area increase in the amount of farms and markets. We saulte all the partners who have worked with us. They have given thier hearts. There are many things that could have been done better and many that would have required a significantly bigger staff and resoiurces that weren’t there.
I am honored to have worked with the farmers and the beautiful produce they work so hard to grow. It says something when another farmer looks inside the van and says they would buy it. Thanks all of you. We wish you all the very best hope the holidays are enjoyable and we will see you at the farmers markets as Whirlwind Farms next year. It will be great to farm full time again.
Angela is trying this on a monthly basis, some of our farms are working with her. If you want to continue to get our food please support her. I am sure she will do a better job and have more time to do it. So please give her a call at 1-256-551-0735 or e-mail at Thanks again Dove